and stone walls of the road--
as a V of geese honk a path overhead, and you stop--
in an instant, without thought, raising your arms toward sky, your hands
flapping from the wrists,
and I can read in the echo your body makes of these wild geese going
where they must,
such joy, such wordless unity and delight, you are once again the child
who knows by instinct, by birthright,
just to be is a blessing..."
from "Moment" by Margaret Gibson
In our Tuesday class this week, this week of Thanksgiving, we'll celebrate the joy of being by raising our V-Vector arms toward the sky. We'll flap our wings like the wild geese, embodying the delight of being.
Join us Tuesday at 9:30am. Drop-ins are $12.
Photo by Ethan Weil on Unsplash